My name Amalia Christiansen, which also is the name of this blog. I just wanted to tell you a little about me.
I was born on the 25 april 1988, and grew up in the Faroe Islands. Thumbs up for the people, who know where that is. It is a beautiful group of islands in the North Atlantic Ocean.
I grew up surrounded by a lot of loving and caring people, that made my childhood amazing. I have a brother that is two years younger than me, and a little sister that is 18 years younger than me, and yes we all have the same mum and dad. I am one of those lucky people who still got to be a child at 15, and I believe it is therefor my family and friends mean the world to me.
I have never been seriously into sports. I did gymnastics for four years, when I was 7 to 11. I then went on to try something new. Tried out football for one summer, realizes quickly that football was not my thing. I also started playing handball, but that was also a fail. When I was 15 I started rowing. I loved it, even if I was never really good at it, but I had a lot of fun. That lasted for three years. Since then I have mostly just been active in the gym.
In 2011 I moved to Denmark. The first six months I was on a school, where we did sports all day. I have many good memories from that time. After the school program ended, I moved to Ã…rhus to study marketing. Finished that in august 2013. I moved back home in november 2014, after being homesick for a pretty long time. I am glad to be back.
Blogging is a hobby that I started on while I was in Denmark, and I intend to keep it up now that I am back in the Faroe Islands.
Blogging is a hobby that I started on while I was in Denmark, and I intend to keep it up now that I am back in the Faroe Islands.
My interests are the things that I blog about. It varies a bit from make-up, beauty, food and health. Because of that I would categorize this blog as a beauty/lifestyle blog.
I hope this information was helpful, and thanks for reading it.