I was so fortunate to win the Essie Spring Collection 2014 in a competition hosted by the danish magazine Eurowoman.dk. The colors are very soothing for spring and summer and I am loving them. All the colors are described in more detail below.
This color is called "Hide & Go Chic" and is my least favorite of all the colors in the spring collection 2014. It is a medium/dark blue color which I don’t think I will get much use out of this spring/summer, because I prefer lighter colors in the summer time.
The next color is called “Fashion Playground" and is a very popular colors among many nail polish addicts, including me. It is a pale mint green color, and is kind of similar to Essie’s Mint Candy Apple, but this one has more of a green undertone, instead of a blue like Mint Candy Apple. This also has a bit of shimmer in it, as appose to all the other colors in the spring collection 2014, but it is still subtle, and you don’t have to worry about looking like a walking confetti. This color is perfect for spring and summer, and I will definitely be using it a lot.
“Romper Room” is the name of this lovely nail polish. This color is like a pink version of the green one mentioned above, except the shimmer bits in it. This one and all of the other do not contain any shimmer. This pale baby pink pastel color is also perfect for spring and summer.
This color, which is my favorite in the collection, is called “Style Hunter” and has also been mentioned by various beauty bloggers. And I definitely understand why. It is a gorgeous hot pink shade. I love wearing it together with my leather jacket. It also creates a good contrast to all the pastels that at taking over this spring and summer.
“Spin The Bottle” is this nail polish called. It is a very nice nude color, but takes up to 3 coats to get the perfect shade, which is not so nice. This color is very pretty for when you are looking for something a bit more subtle. It is also perfect underneath a sparkling topcoat. If you are like me and don’t want to attract any attention to your feet, then this is a very good color to wear on your toenails.
The last color in the collection is called “Truth Or Flare”. It is a pale blue/purply/greyish color. It is pretty and goes with a lot of outfits. I would probable prefer a more purply tone to it, since it is a part of the spring collection, but it is still nice and I will be using it for summer and probable longer, because it is not necessarily a color thats only pretty for spring and summer.
Overall I am very happy with the most of the colors. The names are as always adorable. And I believe that I will get a lot of use out of them. I hope this post was helpful to you, and thank you for reading it.