I recently discovered this website that can make your Instagram photos into magnets. I am an active Instagram user and I love the app. I thought it would be nice to hang some of my photos on the fridge, so my family and others who don’t have Instagram also can see them.
I found the website by accident. It is called Sticky9. They have a range of products that you can choose from. The whole concept is that you can personalize the items using Instagram photos. You can use the photos that you have posted on you own Instagram profile, as well as your followers photos, but you can not use the photos that the people you are following have posted. Also you can use photos directly from you computer.
As I said they make other products besides the magnets. There is also square prints and stickers, tablet and phone cases, magnet calendars and magnet wall frames. I just decided to go with the magnets. They come in sheets consisting of 9 photos, and you can also choose between two sizes, medium (15 x 15 cm - 5 cm pr. photo) and large (21 x 21 cm - 7 cm pr. photo). I just got the smaller size, because we already have so much stuff on our fridge.
The price for one sheet containing 9 photos 15 x15 cm is $ 14.99, which I think is fine. And they often have very good offers. One of the best things I consider about Sticky9 is that it is free shipping worldwide. I think this is a perfect gift to give anyone, especially those people who have everything, like grandparents or dads.
I hope you found this useful, and thanks for reading.
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