If you are like me, and struggle to get up early in the morning, then here are 10 tips that you might find useful.
#1. Go to bed at a reasonable hour.
#2. Make a "to do” list of your plans for the following day. This will make you get excited about getting up and doing the things you planned. This can, for example, be a hair or nail appointment, buying a birthday gift, gym class, dinner with a friend, etc.
#3. Choose your outfit for the following day. By doing this you are free from all the dilemmas and crises that occur form choosing which clothes to wear in the morning, and you will be faster out the door.
#4. Plan an exciting breakfast, that you want to get up to and make.
#5. Put the alarm clock across the room, so you are forced to get out of bed to turn it off. This way you probable won’t hit the beloved snooze button.
#6. Shut the curtains or blinds, so that you bedroom is totally dark, this will give you an undisturbed night of deep sleep.
#7. Make sure your room temperature is not set to high, so that you get hot and wake up during the night. It should be just cold enough that your blanket keeps you warm. This will make you sleep better.
#8. Put you phone on mute or turn it off, so that you don’t get disturbed by people ringing, or the notices from your social media networks.
#9. Drink a BIG glass of water before you fall asleep, it is relaxing and rejuvenating. Plus you will probable feel the need to go to the toilet as soon as you wake up in the morning.
#10. Read a book. It can make you calm down after a busy day. It has to be a paper book and not an online book, because then you can’t get distracted by the internet.
I hope these tips come in hand, if you are having a hard time getting up in the morning. Thank you for reading.